HPMC uses in pharmaceuticals

HPMC uses in pharmaceuticals

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) is a cellulose derivative that is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for its unique properties. It is a semi-synthetic, water-soluble, and non-ionic polymer that can be used as a thickener, binder, film-forming agent, and lubricant. HPMC has gained popularity in pharmaceuticals due to its ability to enhance the quality and stability of dosage forms.

Property Description
Chemical structure Semi-synthetic cellulose derivative
Molecular weight 10,000-1,500,000 g/mol
Degree of substitution 0.9-1.7
Solubility Soluble in water and most organic solvents
pH stability Stable over a wide pH range
Thermal stability Stable up to 200°C
Viscosity Can range from low to high depending on grade
Particle size 100 mesh (150 microns) or smaller
Appearance White to off-white powder or granules
Odor Odorless
Taste Tasteless
Toxicity Non-toxic and non-irritating
Allergenicity Non-allergenic
Vegetarian/vegan Vegetarian and vegan friendly


In this article, we will discuss the various uses of HPMC in pharmaceuticals in detail.


Tablet Formulation
HPMC is commonly used as a binder in tablet formulations. It acts as a binding agent by improving the cohesive properties of the tablet granules, resulting in tablets that are harder and less prone to crumbling. Additionally, HPMC is used as a disintegrant in tablet formulations, promoting tablet disintegration and dissolution. HPMC can also be used as a coating material for tablets, which helps to protect the drug from the environment, improve stability, and control drug release.

Capsule Formulation
HPMC is used as a capsule material in the manufacture of both hard and soft gelatin capsules. It is an alternative to gelatin as it is vegetarian, non-toxic, and non-allergenic. HPMC capsules are also more stable than gelatin capsules, as they do not suffer from cross-linking and discoloration. HPMC capsules can be made to dissolve in the stomach or the intestine, depending on the drug’s required release profile.

Ophthalmic Formulation
HPMC is used in ophthalmic formulations as a viscosity enhancer, providing increased contact time with the eye and prolonged drug release. It is also used as a lubricant, which reduces irritation and improves patient comfort.

Topical Formulation
HPMC is used in topical formulations as a thickening agent, providing viscosity and texture to creams, gels, and lotions. It can also improve the stability of the formulation by reducing syneresis and preventing phase separation.

Parenteral Formulation
HPMC is used in parenteral formulations as a stabilizer and thickener. It helps to maintain the physical stability of the formulation, preventing particle aggregation and sedimentation. It is also used as a suspending agent for poorly soluble drugs, ensuring uniform distribution of the drug in the formulation.

Controlled Release Formulation
HPMC is commonly used in the development of controlled release formulations. It can be used as a matrix material, which gradually releases the drug over time. HPMC can also be used to modify the drug release rate by changing the polymer concentration, molecular weight, and degree of substitution.

Mucoadhesive Formulation
HPMC is used in mucoadhesive formulations due to its ability to adhere to mucosal surfaces. This property can be utilized to improve drug delivery to the oral, nasal, and vaginal mucosa. HPMC can also prolong the residence time of the formulation, enhancing drug absorption and bioavailability.

Solubility Enhancement
HPMC can be used to enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drugs. HPMC forms complexes with the drug, increasing its solubility and dissolution rate. The complexation is dependent on the molecular weight and degree of substitution of HPMC.

Rheology Modifier
HPMC can be used as a rheology modifier in various formulations. It can increase or decrease the viscosity of a formulation, depending on the molecular weight and degree of substitution of HPMC. This property can be utilized to adjust the flow properties of a formulation, making it easier to handle and process.

Oral Care Formulation
HPMC is used in oral care formulations as a thickener and binder. It can improve the texture and viscosity of toothpaste,as well as enhance its stability. Additionally, HPMC can act as a film-forming agent, providing a protective barrier on the teeth and gums.

Suppository Formulation
HPMC is used in suppository formulations as a base material. It can provide a controlled release of the drug and improve patient compliance. HPMC suppositories are non-irritating and non-toxic, making them suitable for use in sensitive areas.

Wound Care Formulation
HPMC is used in wound care formulations as a thickener and film-forming agent. It can help to create a protective barrier on the wound, preventing bacterial infection and promoting healing. HPMC can also improve the viscosity and texture of wound dressings, making them easier to apply and remove.

Veterinary Formulation
HPMC is used in veterinary formulations as a binder and disintegrant in tablets and capsules. It can also be used as a thickener in gels and pastes. HPMC is safe for use in animals and has no adverse effects on their health.

HPMC is commonly used as an excipient in pharmaceutical formulations. It is a versatile polymer that can be used to modify the properties of a formulation. HPMC is inert and non-toxic, making it suitable for use in a wide range of dosage forms.

In conclusion, HPMC is a widely used polymer in the pharmaceutical industry due to its unique properties. It is used as a binder, disintegrant, coating material, capsule material, viscosity enhancer, lubricant, stabilizer, suspending agent, matrix material, mucoadhesive, solubility enhancer, rheology modifier, film-forming agent, and excipient. HPMC is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and safe for use in humans and animals. Its versatility makes it an essential component in various pharmaceutical formulations.



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