Problems in the use of methyl cellulose

Methyl cellulose is the abbreviation of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. It is mainly used in food, construction, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, batteries, mining, coatings, papermaking, washing, daily chemical toothpaste, textile printing and dyeing, oil drilling, etc. within a field. The main function is to act as a thickener, water retaining agent, binder, lubricant, suspending agent, emulsifier, biological product carrier, tablet matrix, etc. How should methyl cellulose be proportioned during use?

1. Methylcellulose itself is a white dry powder, which cannot be directly used in the industry. It needs to be dissolved in water first to form a transparent viscous glue before it can be mixed with mortar and then used for some interface treatment, such as pasting tiles.

2. What is the ratio of methyl cellulose? Powder: water needs to be processed at a time according to the ratio of 1:150-200, and then artificially stirred, while adding PMC dry powder while stirring, and it can be used after about 1 hour use.

3. If methyl cellulose is used for concrete interface treatment, the glue ratio needs to follow → glue: cement = 1:2.

4. If methyl cellulose is used as cement mortar to resist cracking, the glue ratio needs to be followed → glue: cement: sand = 1:3:6.

We need to pay attention to some problems when using methyl cellulose:

1. Before formally using methyl cellulose, you must first look at the specifications and models. Different models use different methods: when the pH>10 or <5, the viscosity of the glue is relatively low. The performance is the most stable when pH=7, and the viscosity will rise rapidly when the temperature is below 20°C; when the temperature is above 80°C, the colloid will be denatured after prolonged heating, but the viscosity will drop significantly.

2. Methyl cellulose can be prepared with cold water or hot water according to a fixed ratio. When preparing, you need to add water while stirring. Remember to add all the water and PMC dry powder at one time. It is worth noting that the base layer that needs to be bonded should be cleaned in advance, and some dirt, oil stains, and loose layers need to be dealt with in time.

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