Waterproof material – mortar king brief introduction and construction technology

Mortar king is a common name, some people also call it rock essence, cement plasticizing agent. Mortar KING IS A NEW TYPE OF BUILDING MATERIAL to replace MIXED mortar LIME waterproof material TEN brands, can reduce the amount of cement in mortar, the capacity of mortar increased by 12% – 15%, significant economic benefits. Look at the introduction of the king of mortar and construction technology.
Main Features:
Instead of lime, reduce the amount of cement, improve the physical properties of mortar
Scope of application:
It is suitable for all kinds of industrial and civil buildings in clay brick, ceramic brick, hollow brick, wet cement block, unfired brick masonry, interior and exterior wall plastering, ceramic tile, floor, roof, road block, culvert, basement, pool, toilet construction.
Product Features:
1> with good workability, improve mortar strength, instead of lime, save cement.
2> has good freezing resistance, permeability resistance and moisture resistance.
3> Improve mortar bonding force, overcome the shell, cracking, sand drop and other disadvantages.
4> No corrosion to reinforcement.
5> Green environmental protection, non-toxic, non-combustible, durability is significantly improved than ordinary mortar, mortar late strength is high.
Common mortar dosage ratio:
1> Mixed mortar: water saving 40%, completely replace lime.
2> cement mortar: save cement 10%, water saving 20%.
Method of use:
1 > operation:
Under the condition that the ratio of cement and sand is unchanged, pour the mortar king into the water of the mixer with a measuring instrument according to the proportion of the mixing amount. Stir twice before the water bubbles, pour the cement and sand water into the mixing tank for mixing (note that it takes about 40% water saving to add this product). The mortar mixing time is 2-3 minutes, and the consistency reaches 70-90mm, and the construction performance is the best.
2> Interior wall:
(1) Before construction, the masonry surface shall be wet, no floating water, and it is best to wet 2-4 hours in advance.
(2) wipe the head and two times to be continuous, the interval time is too long to dry the water and cure the head, and it is not easy to operate twice.
(3) The king of mortar has early strong effect, brake surface time can not be too long, in the pulp is not completely eaten, it is best to use iron to press a surface floating sand.
(4) concrete wall plastering, can be directly plastering twice, such as concrete surface has a film agent, need to do interface processing.
(5) floor, ceiling plastering should first wipe the concave and convex surface between the plate, after the surface has strength according to the conventional method of plastering.
3> Wall: the amount of mortar king is not too much, too much easy to crack, other and interior wall plastering is the same.
4> Masonry: The brick surface should be watered, and the masonry surface should be full.
5> wipe waterproof layer: the water penetration is more serious areas can be wiped three times, generally can be wiped twice.
6> Site sample preparation method:
(1) Various raw materials used for testing are accurately measured according to the mix ratio
(2) The bottomless test is mostly used
(3) The curing method is standard curing (curing temperature is 20+-30 degrees Celsius, relative temperature is more than 90%), and the curing age is 7 days or 28 days.
(4) Two to four hours before the mortar compressive strength test, the test block can be taken out of the standard environment and dried in the shade before the pressure test.
Points for attention:
1> The mixed mortar is placed in the place of water retention, do not directly put on the dry and absorbent floor, in case it affects the workability of the mortar.
2> Store in a dry and ventilated place, and pay attention to moisture during storage and transportation.
Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose -HPMC
Hydroxypropyl starch ether-HPs
Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC)
Redispersible latex powder
Polyvinyl alcohol PVA-2488
Polypropylene staple fibre
The main functions and application fields of lignocellulose
Main: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose · HPMC, hydroxyethyl cellulose · HEC, redispersible latex powder, wood fiber, polypropylene staple fiber, PVA 2488, instant glue, water reducing agent, and other products, high water retention rate, easy construction scratch, higher cost performance, manufacturer’s quality assurance, spot supply of free technical support, to help build a factory.
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