What are the characteristics of HPMC?

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) is an important cellulose derivative with a wide range of applications in many industries. It has excellent physical and chemical properties, low toxicity, and environmental friendliness.

1. Basic properties of HPMC

Chemical structure and physical properties

HPMC is a non-ionic cellulose ether obtained by chemical modification of natural cellulose. Its basic structure consists of glucose units, which are formed by replacing some hydroxyl groups with hydroxypropyl and methyl groups. Its physical form is mostly white or slightly yellow powder, which is easily soluble in cold and hot water to form a transparent or slightly turbid viscous solution.

Molecular weight: HPMC has a wide range of molecular weights, from low molecular weight (such as 10,000 Da) to high molecular weight (such as 150,000 Da), and its properties and applications also change accordingly.

Solubility: HPMC forms a colloidal solution in cold water, but is insoluble in some organic solvents, and has good solubility and stability.

Viscosity: Viscosity is an important property of HPMC, which is affected by molecular weight and the type and number of substituents. High-viscosity HPMC is usually used as a thickener and stabilizer, while low-viscosity HPMC is used for film-forming and bonding functions.

Chemical stability

HPMC has high chemical stability, can resist the erosion of acids, alkalis and common organic solvents, and is not easy to decompose or degrade. This allows it to maintain its functions in various complex environments and is suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.


Since HPMC is derived from natural cellulose and has been moderately modified, it has good biocompatibility and low toxicity. Therefore, it is often used in food, medicine and cosmetics, meeting safety requirements.

2. Preparation method of HPMC

The preparation of HPMC is usually divided into three steps:

Alkali treatment: natural cellulose is treated with alkali solution (usually sodium hydroxide) to swell it and increase its reactivity.

Etherification reaction: Under alkaline conditions, cellulose undergoes etherification reaction with methyl chloride and propylene oxide, introducing methyl and hydroxypropyl groups to form hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

Purification: Reaction byproducts and residual reagents are removed through washing, filtering and drying to obtain pure HPMC.

By controlling the reaction conditions (such as temperature, time, reagent ratio, etc.), the degree of substitution and molecular weight of HPMC can be adjusted to obtain products with different properties.

3. Application fields of HPMC

Building materials

In the construction industry, HPMC is widely used in cement mortar, gypsum products, coatings, etc. Its main functions include:

Thickening and water retention: In mortar and coating, HPMC can increase viscosity and improve construction performance, while providing good water retention effect and preventing shrinkage cracks.

Improving adhesion: Strengthening the adhesion between mortar and substrate and improving construction quality.

Improving construction properties: Making the construction of mortar and coating easier, extending the open time and improving surface smoothness.

Pharmaceutical industry

The application of HPMC in the pharmaceutical industry is mainly reflected in drug preparations, especially oral tablets and capsules:

Controlled release materials: HPMC is often used to prepare controlled release tablets, and the slow release of drugs is achieved by adjusting the dissolution rate.

Tablet binders: In tablet production, HPMC can be used as a binder to provide suitable tablet hardness and disintegration time.

Film coating: used as coating material for tablets to prevent oxidation and moisture erosion of drugs and improve drug stability and appearance.

Food industry

HPMC is used as a food additive in the food industry, playing the role of thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer, etc.:

Thickener: used in dairy products, sauces, etc. to provide ideal texture and taste.

Emulsifier: in beverages and ice cream, it helps to form a stable emulsified system.

Film former: in candy and cakes, HPMC is used for coating and brightener to improve the appearance and texture of food.


In cosmetics, HPMC is used to prepare emulsions, creams, gels, etc.:

Thickening and stabilization: in cosmetics, HPMC provides appropriate viscosity and stability, improves texture and spreadability.

Moisturizing: can form a moisturizing layer on the skin surface to increase the moisturizing effect of the product.

Daily chemicals

HPMC is also used in daily chemical products, such as detergents, personal care products, etc.:

Thickener: in detergents, it increases the viscosity of the product to prevent stratification.

Suspending agent: used in suspension system to provide good suspension stability.

4. Advantages and challenges of HPMC


Versatility: HPMC has multiple functions and can play different roles in different fields, such as thickening, water retention, stabilization, etc.

Biocompatibility: Low toxicity and good biocompatibility make it suitable for use in food and medicine.

Environmentally friendly: derived from natural cellulose, biodegradable and environmentally friendly.


Cost: Compared with some synthetic polymer materials, HPMC has a higher cost, which may limit its widespread use in certain applications.

Production process: The preparation process involves complex chemical reactions and purification steps, which need to be strictly controlled to ensure product quality.

5. Future prospects

With the advancement of science and technology, the application prospects of HPMC are very broad. Future research directions may include:

Development of modified HPMC: Through chemical modification and composite technology, HPMC derivatives with specific functions are developed to meet specific application requirements.

Green preparation process: Research more environmentally friendly and efficient preparation processes to reduce production costs and environmental burdens.

New application areas: Explore the application of HPMC in emerging fields, such as biomaterials, degradable packaging, etc.

As an important cellulose derivative, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) has excellent physical and chemical properties, diverse application areas and good biocompatibility. In the future development, through technological innovation and application expansion, HPMC is expected to play its unique advantages in more fields and provide new impetus for industrial development.

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