Quickly select better quality latex powder

Redispersible latex powder is made of synthetic resin emulsion modified by adding other substances and spray-dried. It can form an emulsion with water as the dispersion medium and has redispersible polymer powder.

However, there are many types of latex powder on the market, with different prices and high or low quality. Here are some simple ways for Xiaorun to quickly select latex powder with relatively good performance:

1. Solubility

Steps: Take a certain amount of latex powder, dissolve it in 5 times the mass of water, stir it well, let it stand for 5 minutes, and observe it. In principle, the less insoluble matter precipitates to the bottom layer, the better the quality of the rubber powder.

2. Film formation transparency + flexibility

Steps: Take a certain amount of latex powder, dissolve it in 2 times the amount of water and stir evenly. After standing for 2 minutes, stir again evenly. Pour the solution on a piece of clean glass that is laid flat. The glass is placed in a ventilated and shaded place and is fully dried Finally, peel it off and observe the peeled polymer film. The higher the transparency of the latex powder, the better the quality. Next, you can stretch it moderately. The latex powder with good elasticity is of good quality.

3. Weather resistance

Steps: Take a certain amount of latex powder, dissolve it in the same proportion of water and stir evenly, pour the solution on a flat clean glass, place the glass in a ventilated and shaded place, after it is fully dry, peel it off, and cut the film into strips shape, soaked in water, and observed after 1 day, it was found that the quality of latex powder is relatively good if it is less dissolved in water.


This is just a basic and simple detection method, which is used to quickly screen out products with relatively good purity/quality. The final use effect still needs to be tested by professional experimental equipment and added to the mortar for final verification.

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