Redispersible latex powder

Redispersible latex powder is a powder made after spray-drying of a special emulsion. It is a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate. Due to its high bonding ability and unique properties, such as: water resistance, construction and insulation Thermal properties, etc., so it has a wide range of applications. It has good redispersibility, and it redisperses into an emulsion when it contacts with water, and its chemical properties are exactly the same as the initial emulsion. After mixing with water in mortar (putty), Emulsify and disperse with water to re-form a stable polymer emulsion. After the redispersible latex powder is dispersed in water, the water evaporates and forms a polymer film in the dried mortar to improve the properties of the mortar.

main function:

1. Improve the adhesion and mechanical properties of putty. The redispersible latex powder can quickly redisperse into an emulsion after contacting with water, and has the same properties as the initial emulsion, that is, a film can be formed after the water evaporates. This film has high flexibility, high weather resistance and resistance to various High adhesion to substrates.

2. Improve the cohesion of putty, excellent alkali resistance and wear resistance, and enhance the flexural strength.

3. Improve the water resistance and impermeability of putty.

4. Improve the water retention of putty and increase the open time.

5. Improve the impact resistance of putty and enhance the durability of putty.


Common disadvantages and treatment methods of putty powder

1. Causes of chromatic aberration:

1. The putty powder itself is a semi-finished product, and the instability of raw materials is one of the main reasons for the color difference. Because the mineral powder mined in the mining area will have different quality due to different regions, if you do not pay attention to the deployment, there will be different batches of color difference.

2. Because the supplier uses the method of “filling up the number” to mix and deliver low-grade raw materials, because the purchased quantity is large, it is impossible to spot check one by one, resulting in individual “fish that slipped through the net” mixed in the production, resulting in individual color differences.

3. The color difference caused by mixing different grades of raw materials together due to the production personnel’s mistakes or the color difference caused by scraping different brands of products on the same wall.


1. 2. The color difference is generally not a formula problem, so there is no quality problem. If the wall surface to be painted can generally be covered with a paint film, it will not affect the overall decorative effect. For example, it is generally scraped for two or three coats without painting If there is color difference on the wall surface, it is recommended to scrape a putty powder or paint without color difference.

3. All personnel involved in production and construction should carry out production and construction in strict accordance with relevant standards to avoid artificial quality problems.

Note: If there is a color difference during the construction process, it should be reported to the supplier in time. If there is a color difference during the first construction, it should be adjusted in time, and the same batch of products should be scraped to the last one.

two. Surface powder removal;


1. Reasons for construction: The fine peeling phenomenon on the surface caused by the paint master dry-scraping the wall with a scraper many times during the final finishing construction, will form powdering symptoms after drying.

2. Man-made reasons: When the last construction putty is not dry, foreign dust is attached to the wall (cutting operations, strong winds, cleaning the floor, etc.) resulting in false powder removal on the wall.

3. Production reason: due to the production personnel carelessly misplacing the proportion of the raw material formula, or due to leaking of the machine equipment, the formula is unstable and the powder is removed.


1. The construction master should pay attention to the surface humidity of the putty when finishing the final finishing without painting. If it is too dry, it will cause peeling and powdering. Just smooth the knife marks during finishing, and it is not suitable to dry scrape many times.

2. If there is a false appearance caused by dust attached to the wall, the dust should be removed with chicken feather bombs after the decoration is completed, or wiped clean with clean water and a clean cloth.

3. In case of quick-drying and de-powdering, wait for the company’s technical personnel to come to the site to identify whether it is caused by the product formula.

Note: If it is a problem with the product formula, the symptoms should be that it is not easy to scrape when scraping, it dries quickly, and the putty layer is loose after drying, easy to remove powder, and easy to crack.

three. get mouldy:


1. For the wall curtain wall, the raw material used is the mixed mortar of sea sand and cement, which has a relatively high acidity and alkalinity, so that an acid-base reaction will occur on the relatively easy-to-damp skirting line or where the wall leaks, causing the wall to be damaged. Long hair, mildew, empty shell, shedding and other phenomena.


1. Remove the moldy and empty walls and clean the walls with clean water. If there is any water leakage or damp walls, the water source should be eliminated in time, and the anti-alkali putty powder can be scraped again after the walls are completely dry.

Note: Generally, there is mildew on the wall, basically in spring when the temperature is high.

Four. quick dry


1. Due to the hot weather and high temperature in summer, the water evaporates quickly, and the water evaporates quickly during the batch scraping of putty powder, which usually occurs in the second or above construction.

2. Production reason: Quick-drying phenomenon caused by the production personnel carelessly misplacing the proportion of raw material formula, or the formula is unstable due to abnormal machine equipment.


1. During construction, the temperature should not be higher than 35°C, and the putty powder should not be scraped too thinly or the material stirred too thinly.

2. In case of quick-drying phenomenon, wait for technicians to come to the scene to identify whether it is caused by the product formula.

Note: In case of quick-drying phenomenon, it is recommended that the previous application should be completed for about 2 hours during construction, and the next application should be carried out when the surface is dry, which can reduce quick-drying.

Fives. pinhole


1. It is normal for pinholes to appear during the first scrape. Because the putty powder layer is thicker when the first layer is scratched, and it is not suitable to be flattened, it will affect the adhesion of the second layer after being flattened. Second, pinholes appear in the three places where the wall surface is relatively uneven. Because the uneven places eat more materials and dry slowly, it is difficult for the scraper to compact the putty powder layer in the concave places, so it will produce Some pinholes.

2. Due to the lack of light during construction, construction personnel will ignore some relatively small pinholes on the wall during construction, and some pinholes caused by failing to level them in time.


1. For the uneven wall surface, it should be filled up as much as possible during the first construction (because the fine pinholes in the first course will not affect the normal construction of the second course), which is conducive to scraping the second and third putty powder layers When flattened, reduce the generation of pinholes.

2. Pay attention to the light during construction. If the light is insufficient when the weather is bad or the light changes from bright to dark in the evening, the construction should be carried out with the help of lighting equipment to avoid artificial pinhole problems caused by construction errors.

Note: Putty powder with high viscosity or slow drying will also produce some pinholes, and attention should be paid to the rationality of the product formula.

six. delamination


1. Since the water-resistant putty powder produced by our company is of slow type, when the previous product is scratched on the wall, its hardness will increase with the extension of time or when it is exposed to wet weather or water. The time interval of batch scraping construction is relatively long. After the last construction is completed, the sanding will start. The outer layer is looser and easier to sand. It is not easy to polish, so two different effects of grinding out the wall surface will form a phenomenon similar to layering.

2. In the last batch of batch scraping, the pressure is too firm, the collection is too smooth, and the time interval is long. Due to the influence of wet weather and water, the hardness of the outer surface film and the surface layer will be different. When grinding, due to the surface The hardness of the film is different from that of the surface layer. The inner layer is looser and is easy to be ground deeply, while the hardness of the surface film is higher and it is not easy to be polished, which will form a delamination phenomenon.


1. After the previous construction is completed, the time interval is too long due to other reasons that the construction cannot be completed at one time, or due to wet weather, rainy season, water and other reasons; it is recommended that two putty should be scraped in the next construction Powder, so as to avoid delamination caused by grinding the bottom when sanding.

2. When scraping the last batch, be careful not to press too hard. The wall surface to be polished cannot be polished, and the pinholes and knife marks on the surface can be flattened. In case of wet weather or rainy season, the operation should be suspended and wait for the weather Can work when better. If you encounter wet weather or rain after scraping the last batch, you should polish it the next day to avoid delamination caused by the surface film of the wall absorbing water and hardening.

Note: 1. The compacted and polished wall should not be polished;

2. Operation should be stopped during the rainy season or wet weather, especially in mountainous areas where the weather conditions are changeable and special attention should be paid.

3. After the construction of water-resistant putty powder, it should be polished within one week under normal circumstances.

seven. Difficult to polish


1. It is more difficult to polish the wall surface that is pressed too hard or polished during construction, because the density of the putty powder layer will increase if the pressure is too firm or polished during construction, and the hardness of the stronger wall surface will also increase.

2. The last batch has been scraped for a long time and has not been polished or has been exposed to water such as: (humid weather, rainy season, wall seepage, etc.) The wall surface is more difficult to polish, because the water-resistant putty powder produced by our company is a slow-drying product. Product features Yes: the hardness will reach the best after one month, and the hardening effect will be accelerated if it meets water. The above two situations will increase the hardness of the wall surface, so it is more difficult to polish, and the polished wall surface will be rough.

3. The formulas of putty powder are different, but they are mixed together, or the ratio of the formula is wrongly adjusted, so that the hardness of the product after batch scraping is higher (such as: mixed use of interior and exterior wall putty powder, etc.).


1, 2. If the wall surface is too hard or polished and needs to be polished, first use 150# sandpaper for rough grinding, and then use 400# sandpaper to repair the grain or scrape one or two times before polishing.

Eight. Skin allergies


1. The product contains high alkalinity. Since the water-resistant putty powder sold on the market basically contains cement base, the alkalinity is relatively high. It will not happen after getting used to it (such as people who have worked on cement, lime calcium, etc.).


1. For some individuals who have skin irritation in the initial contact, they can adapt after about three to four times of contact. If the skin is sensitive, use rapeseed oil to wipe it and then wash it or apply it with Piyanping and aloe vera gel. For those with sensitive skin, it is recommended to apply some rapeseed oil on the exposed skin before polishing to prevent skin allergies.

2. Choose low-alkali putty powder: It is recommended that the wall decoration must be polished and painted. When purchasing putty powder, you should choose low-alkali putty powder to avoid skin allergies.


1. When the weather is hot, you sweat more and the capillary pores are more open, so you should pay attention to protection.

2. If the product gets into the eyes accidentally, please do not rub it with your hands, and rinse it with water immediately.

3. The grinding room should be kept ventilated, and protective equipment such as masks and hats should be worn.

Nine. Cracks, Cracks, Dark Marks


1. Due to the influence of external factors, the wall of the building is cracked, such as the principle of thermal expansion and contraction of temperature, earthquake, foundation subsidence and other external factors.

2. Due to the incorrect proportion of mixed mortar in the curtain wall, when the viscosity is high, the wall will shrink after the wall is completely dry, resulting in cracking and cracking.

3. The cracking phenomenon of putty powder will basically form small micro-cracks on the wall, such as chicken melon marks, turtle shell marks and other shapes.


1. Since external forces are uncontrollable, it is difficult to prevent them.

2. The putty powder batch scraping construction should be carried out after the mixed mortar wall is completely dry.

3. If the putty powder cracks, it should be confirmed by the company’s technical personnel to the site to inspect the actual situation of the wall.


1. It is normal for doors, windows and beams to crack.

2. The top floor of the building is more susceptible to cracks due to thermal expansion and contraction.

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