What Causes A Cracked Putty Layer?

What Causes A Cracked Putty Layer?

A putty layer can crack due to various reasons, including:

  1. Movement: If the surface or the material it is applied to is prone to movement, the putty layer can crack over time. This can be caused by changes in temperature, humidity, or settling of the building.
  2. Improper application: If the putty layer is not applied properly, it can lead to uneven drying and cracking. For example, if it is applied too thickly, it may take longer to dry and crack as it dries.
  3. Inadequate preparation: If the surface is not properly prepared before applying the putty layer, it can lead to poor adhesion and cracking. This can include not cleaning the surface properly or not using the right type of primer.
  4. Poor quality putty: If the putty used is of poor quality or not suitable for the surface it is applied to, it can crack over time.
  5. Age: Over time, even a properly installed putty layer can begin to crack due to natural aging.

To prevent cracking, it is important to ensure proper preparation and application of the putty layer, as well as choosing the right type of putty for the surface and conditions. Regular maintenance and inspections can also help identify and address potential issues before they become bigger problems.

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