What does sodium carboxymethyl cellulose do?

What does sodium carboxymethyl cellulose do?

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a versatile food additive that has a variety of functions in the food industry. Here are some of the primary functions of CMC:

  1. Thickening Agent:

One of the most common uses of CMC is as a thickening agent in food products. CMC can thicken liquids and prevent ingredients from separating, which can improve the texture and stability of foods. For example, CMC is used in salad dressings, sauces, and gravies to prevent separation and provide a smooth texture.

  1. Stabilizer:

CMC is also used as a stabilizer in many food products. It can help to prevent emulsions from breaking down and can improve the shelf life of foods. For example, CMC is used in ice cream to prevent the formation of ice crystals and improve the texture.

  1. Emulsifier:

CMC can also act as an emulsifier, which means it can help to mix two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water. This property makes CMC useful in many food products, such as mayonnaise, where it helps to keep the oil and water components from separating.

  1. Binder:

CMC is used as a binder in many food products, such as processed meats, where it helps to bind ingredients together and improve the texture of the final product.

  1. Fat Replacer:

CMC can also be used as a fat replacer in some food products, such as baked goods, where it can replace some of the fat without affecting the texture or taste of the product.

  1. Water Retention:

CMC can help to retain water in food products, which can improve their overall quality and texture. For example, CMC is used in bread and other baked goods to help them retain moisture and stay fresh for longer.

  1. Film Former:

CMC can be used as a film former in some food products, such as processed meats and cheese, where it can help to create a protective film around the food and prevent it from drying out.

  1. Suspension Agent:

CMC is used as a suspension agent in many food products, such as salad dressings, where it can help to suspend solid ingredients in the liquid and prevent them from settling to the bottom of the container.

Overall, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is a versatile and useful food additive that can improve the texture, stability, and shelf life of many food products. It is widely used in the food industry, and its safety has been evaluated and approved by regulatory bodies in many countries.


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